Funding Opportunities
This page will be updated with SOJC graduate student scholarship information before the 2026-2027 scholarship deadline, which will be announced in Fall 2025.
For Communication & Media Studies Students Only: SOJC Travel Funding Policy
The SOJC has limited funding for graduate research and travel expenses. This money is awarded competitively to Communication & Media Studies students for thesis/dissertation-related travel, travel to conferences to present papers, and assorted research-related expenses. Both Travel and Research Fund Request Forms are available online and must be submitted before travel or research begins.
Please contact Amy Boutell, Director of Graduate Affairs, if you have questions about travel and research funding.
Distribution of graduate travel and research funds will be made based on the following priorities:
- Type of presentation
Priority #1: Individually authored refereed full paper (not panel or refereed abstract)
Priority #2: Joint-authored refereed paper
Priority #3: Other types of participation (plenary presentation, discussant, panel presenter, paper based on abstract submitted, etc.)
- Type of organization/meeting
Priority #1: ICA, AEJMC, IAMCR, NCA; American Academy of Advertising, Association for Consumer Research
Priority #2: Other national/international organizations
Priority #3: Regional meetings, ad hoc conferences
Priority #4: Other
- Seniority of students
Priority #1: First to fourth year PhD students in residence
Priority #2: First to second year master’s students in residence
- Number of requests
First requests will be favored over previously funded students’ requests. Students may submit more than one travel request during a one-year period. However, each student is only eligible for up to $900 of travel funding per fiscal year. This amount is available on a first come, first served basis and is not guaranteed to each student, each year. For PhD students beyond their fourth year and Communication and Media Studies master’s students beyond their second year, travel/research funds are generally not available but will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Research and Project Funds Requests for research funds must be made before the money is spent. Students may not complete their thesis or projects, and then seek funding afterward to pay for their expenses. Students should not apply for more than $300 per fiscal year. This amount is available on a first come, first served basis and is not guaranteed to each student, each year. Thesis and project research is given priority consideration.
Other Funding Opportunities
Funding opportunities elsewhere on campus include thesis/dissertation grants from the Center for the Study of Women in Society, the Division of Graduate Studies and the Humanities Center. These opportunities are competitive; you should contact those centers for more information. The Division of Graduate Studies also maintains a funding webpage that can be helpful to students looking for grants and fellowships in their field. Students should begin their funding search early to allow time to complete the application process and meet application deadlines.