Academic Requirements
In Fall 2024, the SOJC transitioned from the “J” subject code to a new “JCOM” subject code. Use this guide to see how the former “J” courses changed to new numbers and/or new course titles. In 2024-25, most SOJC courses are listed under the JCOM subject although a few courses still remain under their original “J” numbers.
The School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC) offers a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Advertising, Media Studies and Public Relations. We currently have three active versions of our curriculum. The curriculum a student falls under is determined by the term they first declare a major or premajor within the SOJC. For the 2024-25 academic year, all returning students are mostly part of the “Fall 2022” curriculum. A handful of these students are under even older curricula. All incoming first year and transfer students are part of the “Fall 2024” curriculum. See your Ducks on Track (on DuckWeb), if you are unsure which curriculum applies to you.
Note: Until Summer 2024, all “J” classes must be passed with a “C” or better grade. They may not be taken pass/no pass. Starting Fall 2024, all “J” and “JCOM” courses must be passed with a “C-” or better.
Fall 2024 curriculum:
Key points for this curriculum:
- 70 credits are required within the major; 70 credits are required outside of the major.
- A minor is required. SOJC minors are allowed with one exception: media studies majors may not minor in media studies. Only one minor course can overlap with the major requirements.
- Major specific information:
Fall 2022 curriculum:
Key points for this curriculum
- 72 credits are required for advertising, journalism or public relations. 74 credits are required for media studies.
- A non-SOJC major is required. If a student opts to do the SOJC’s science communication or game studies minor, a second non-SOJC minor is still required. See Section D below for more details.
- Unless noted, all the courses listed below are 4-credit courses.
- Minimum of 72 "J" or "JCOM" credits for journalism, advertising and public relations
- Minimum of 74 "J" or "JCOM" credits for media studies
- Minimum of 40 upper division (300- or 400-level) "J" or "JCOM" credits
- Minimum of 27 "J" or "JCOM" credits taken at UO
- Minimum 2.90 UO GPA at the time of admission to full major status. In August 2024, this changed to 2.00.
- Minimum 2.70 major GPA ("J" and "JCOM" grades only) at the time of graduation
Effective Fall 2024, the pre-major requirements listed below will expire, even for students under the Fall 2021 curriculum who may not have completed all the requirements yet. These students must still complete:
- J100 Media Professions (2 credits) or JCOM 101 Media Professions
- J201 Media and Society or JCOM 201 Making Sense of Media
- UO Writing Requirement: This must still be completed as part of the core education requirement
- UO cumulative GPA or 2.00 or better
- If J101 Grammar for Communicators was not completed by Summer 2024, students must replace these two credits with elective credits within the "J" or "JCOM" subject code.
These pre-major core requirements must be completed before admission to the SOJC as a “full major.”
- J100 Media Professions (2 credits)
- J101 Grammar for Communicators (2 credits) [Prerequisite: SOJC pre-major status]
- J201 Media and Society >2
- UO Writing Requirement: WR 121/121Z College Composition I and either WR 122/122Z College Composition II or WR 123 College Composition III (Clark Honors College students are exempt from this prerequisite. Students who intend to major in Media Studies are highly encouraged to choose WR 123.)
- 24 graded hours completed at UO
- UO cumulative GPA or 2.90 or better
Effective Fall 2024, the full major core requirements listed below will expire, even for students under the Fall 2021 curriculum who may not have completed all the requirements yet. These students must still complete:
- J211 Gateway to Media or JCOM 102 Story Craft Audio, JCOM 103 Story Craft Video and JCOM 202 How Stories Work
- J212 Writing for Communicators or JCOM 203 Writing as Practice
- If J213 Fact or Fiction was not completed by Summer 2024, students must replace these four credits with elective credits within the "J" or "JCOM" subject code.
These are the first set of courses taken upon admission to the SOJC as a “full major.” All three courses are offered every term and can be taken in any order.
- J211 Gateway to Media (8 credits)
- J212 Writing for Communicators
- J213 Fact or Fiction
Section C: Full Major Requirements. Students must choose at least one major within the SOJC. Click below to learn the specific requirements of each major.
Sequence Courses:
I) J342 The Creative Strategist or JCOM 350 Creative Strategist
II) Choose 4 courses: (Prereq: JAD major status, J342 or JCOM 350. Some courses may be “instructor consent” courses)
- J443 Advertising Media Planning or JCOM 361 Advertising Media Planning
- J444 Advertising Account Management or JCOM 359 Account Management
- J457 Curiosity for Strategists or JCOM 353 Curiosity for Strategists
- J458 Writing Design Concepts or JCOM 352 Writing Design Concepts
- J459 Branding and Content
- J460 Brand Development [Topic] (Titles will vary. Any J460 course will count. You may take J460 four times as long as the course title is different each time.)
- JCOM 351 Advertising and Culture (formerly a J460 course)
- JCOM 354 Understanding Brands (formerly a J460 course)
- JCOM 355 Brand Responsibility (formerly a J460 course)
- JCOM 356 Psychology of Advertising
- JCOM 357 Understanding Strategy
- JCOM 358 Copywriting Craft
- JCOM 360 Advertising Creative Studio I (formerly J460 Ideasmithing)
- JCOM 454 Digital Ads and Analytics
- JCOM 455 Brand Strategy
- JCOM 456 Brands and Sustainability
- JCOM 457 Sports Brand Strategy
- JCOM 458 Leadership Strategies (formerly J460 Leadership Tools)
- JCOM 459 Topics in Advertising (Titles will vary. Any JCOM 459 course will count. You may take JCOM 459 four times as long as the course title is different each time.)
- JCOM 460 Advertising Creative Studio II
III) J448 Advertising Campaigns or JCOM 461 Advertising Campaigns (Prereq: Completion of [I] and [II]. Departmental authorization required.)
Core Context Courses:
In addition to the sequence courses listed above, all advertising students must complete five classes in media theory/analysis. They may be taken concurrently with the sequence courses. Students in the SOJC Honors Program will complete some of their core context courses with honors courses.
List A (Choose 4 courses. Prereq: J201 or JCOM 201):
- J320 Gender, Media and Diversity or JCOM 301 Gender, Media and Diversity
- J385 Communication Law or JCOM 302 Communication Law
- J387 Media History/JCOM 305 Media History or J396 International Communication/JCOM 306 Global Communication
- J397 Media Ethics or JCOM 303 Media Ethics
List B (Choose 1 course. Prereq: J201 or JCOM 201):
- J411M or JCOM 411M US Film Industry (Multilisted with CINE. Must be taken as a "J" or "JCOM" course for this requirement.)
- J429 Media Technologies and Society [Topic]
- J430 Culture and Power in the Media [Topic]
- J431 Media Structures and Regulation [Topic]
- J494 Strategic Communication Research Methods or JCOM 470 Strategic Communication Research Methods
- J495 Research Methods [Topic]
- JCOM 314 Understanding Disney
- JCOM 315 Indigenous Media
- JCOM 316 Black American Media
- JCOM 317 Media and Religion
- JCOM 318 Documenting Intl Human Rights
- JCOM 319 Documenting Civil Rights
- JCOM 412 Internet Law and Regulation
- JCOM 413 Data/Media/Surveillance
- JCOM 414 Topics in Media Tech and Structures
- JCOM 415 Topics in Culture/Power/Media
- JCOM 416 Black American Television
- JCOM 417 Cross Cultural Monster Narratives
- JCOM 418 Global Television
- JCOM 419 Reality Television
At least four journalism credits are needed to reach the minimum 72 credits required. More may be needed if any exceptions were granted to Sections A, B or C.
Sequence Courses:
I) J361 Reporting I or JCOM 331 Fundamentals of Reporting and Interviewing
- JCOM 331 is an 8-credit course. Four credits will be used for a J361 substitution. The additional four credits can be used for “J Additional Sequence” or “J Elective.”
II) J462 Reporting II or JCOM 332 Public Affairs Journalism
III) J463 Specialized Reporting [Topic] or
- JCOM 341 Audio Journalism I
- JCOM 347 Social Media Journalism
- JCOM 430 Topics in Reporting (titles will vary)
- JCOM 431 Data Journalism
- JCOM 432 Solutions Journalism
- JCOM 433 Catalyst Journalism
- JCOM 434 Investigative Journalism
- JCOM 435 Profiles & Narratives
- JCOM 437 Newsroom
- JCOM 438 Science Story
- JCOM 439 Sports Story
IV) Choose either the writing or the visual concentration:
Writing Concentration (choose 2 courses):
- J461 Newspaper Editing (Prereq: J361)
- J371 Feature Writing I (Prereq: J361)
- J468 Advanced News Editing (Prereq: J461)
- J472 Feature Article Writing II (Prereq: J371)
- J473 Feature Editing (Prereq: J371)
- J474 Magazine Industry & Strategies (Prereq: J371)
- J483 Journalistic Interview (Prereq: J361)
- JCOM 430 Topics in Reporting (titles will vary)
- JCOM 431 Data Journalism
- JCOM 432 Solutions Journalism
- JCOM 433 Catalyst Journalism
- JCOM 434 Investigative Journalism
- JCOM 435 Profiles & Narratives
- JCOM 437 Newsroom
- JCOM 438 Science Story
- JCOM 439 Sports Story
Visual Concentration (choose 2 courses):
- J331 Digital Video Production (Prereq: J major status, J211, 212, 213)
- J365 Photojournalism (Prereq: full major status, J211, 212, 213)
- J421 Documentary Production (Prereq: J331)
- J432 Reporting for Electronic Media (Prereq: J331)
- J434 Advanced TV News (Prereq: J432)
- J436 Media Design [Topic]* (Prereq: J361)
- J466 Advanced Photojournalism [Topic]* (Prereq: J365)
- JCOM 342 Video Journalism I
- JCOM 343 Video Journalism II
- JCOM 345 Photojournalism I
- JCOM 365 Intro to Media Design
- JCOM 420 Documentary Pre-Production
- JCOM 421 Documentary Production
- JCOM 422 Documentary Post-Production
- JCOM 442 Video Journalism III
- JCOM 445 Photojournalism II
- JCOM 446 Photojournalism III
- JCOM 447 Lighting for Photo
- JCOM 448 Topics in Visual Production
V) Additional sequence course (choose at least 4 credits total):
- J404 Internship
- J408 Workshops [Topic]*/**
- J409 Practicum
- J463 Specialized Reporting [Topic]*[Must be a different topic than what was used above]
- J469 Mobile Media Production
- J475 FLUX Production
- Any additional concentration course that has not been previously taken
- JCOM 330 Journalism and Democracy (fundamental concepts class about journalism)
- JCOM 333 Audiences
- JCOM 436 Topics in Magazine (e.g. FLUX, OR Magazine)
- JCOM 441 Audio Journalism II
- Any additional JCOM courses from the “J463 Specialized Reporting,” “J Writing Concentration” and “J Visual Concentration” rows.
*[Topic] courses: Any course under that number will count. Course titles offered within each “topic” will vary. These courses are repeatable if the topics have different titles.
** Only J408 workshops that have a journalism focus are eligible. Advertising and PR-focused workshops are not permissible for this requirement.
Core Context Courses:
In addition to the sequence courses listed above, all journalism students must complete five classes in media theory/analysis. They may be taken concurrently with the sequence courses. Students in the SOJC Honors Program will complete some of their core context courses with honors courses.
List A (Choose 4 courses. Prereq: J201 or JCOM 201):
- J320 Gender, Media and Diversity or JCOM 301 Gender, Media and Diversity
- J385 Communication Law or JCOM 302 Communication Law
- J387 Media History/JCOM 305 Media History or J396 International Communication/JCOM 306 Global Communication
- J397 Media Ethics or JCOM 303 Media Ethics
List B (Choose 1 course. Prereq: J201 or JCOM 201):
- J411M or JCOM 411M US Film Industry (Multilisted with CINE. Must be taken as a "J" or "JCOM" course for this requirement.)
- J429 Media Technologies and Society [Topic]
- J430 Culture and Power in the Media [Topic]
- J431 Media Structures and Regulation [Topic]
- J494 Strategic Communication Research Methods or JCOM 470 Strategic Communication Research Methods
- J495 Research Methods [Topic]
- JCOM 314 Understanding Disney
- JCOM 315 Indigenous Media
- JCOM 316 Black American Media
- JCOM 317 Media and Religion
- JCOM 318 Documenting Intl Human Rights
- JCOM 319 Documenting Civil Rights
- JCOM 412 Internet Law and Regulation
- JCOM 413 Data/Media/Surveillance
- JCOM 414 Topics in Media Tech and Structures
- JCOM 415 Topics in Culture/Power/Media
- JCOM 416 Black American Television
- JCOM 417 Cross Cultural Monster Narratives
- JCOM 418 Global Television
- JCOM 419 Reality Television
At least four journalism credits are needed to reach the minimum 72 credits required. More may be needed if any exceptions were granted to Sections A, B or C.
Sequence Courses:
- J250 Media Studies Production (2 credits. Prereq: J211) or JCOM 211 Media Studies Production
- J314 Introduction to Media Studies or JCOM 311 Introduction to Media Studies
- J415 Media Studies Research Methods or JCOM 312 Media Studies Research Methods
- J413 Media Studies Capstone or JCOM 425 Media Studies Capstone (Prereq: J314 or JCOM 311. Only offered in the spring)
Core Context Courses:
In addition to the sequence courses listed above, all media studies students must complete five classes in media theory/analysis. They may be taken concurrently with the sequence courses. Students in the SOJC Honors Program will complete some of their core context courses with honors courses.
Complete all 5 courses (Prereq: J201):
- J320 Gender, Media and Diversity or JCOM 301 Gender, Media and Diversity
- J385 Communication Law or JCOM 302 Communication Law
- J387 Media History or JCOM 305 Media History
- J396 International Communication or JCOM 306 Global Communication
- J397 Media Ethics or JCOM 303 Media Ethics
Choose one specialization from the four options below. These courses should be taken in between J314/JCOM 311 and J413/JCOM 426. All have JMS major status and J201/JCOM 201 as prerequisites.
I) Media Technology and Society: Take three J429 Media Technologies and Society [Topic] courses or three courses from:
- JCOM 380 The Games Industry
- JCOM 383 Understanding E-Sports
- JCOM 414 Topic in Media Technologies and Structures (titles will vary)
- JCOM 480 Gamefication and the Media
- JCOM 481 Making the Virtual a Reality
- JCOM 483 Game Journalism and Newsgames
- Also, choose one more course from J430 Culture and Power in the Media [Topic], J431 Media Structures and Regulation, or J477 Science of Science Communication [Topic]
II) Media Culture and Power: Take three J430 Culture and Power in the Media [Topic] courses or three courses from:
- JCOM 316 Black American Media
- JCOM 317 Media and Relgion
- JCOM 318 Documenting International Human Rights
- JCOM 319 Documenting Civil Rights
- JCOM 322 Doc Screening and Guests
- JCOM 416 Black American Television
- JCOM 417 Cross Cultural Monster Narratives
- JCOM 418 Global Television
- JCOM 424 Latin American Cinema
- Also, choose one more course from J429 Media Technologies and Society [Topic], J431 Media Structures and Regulation, or J477 Science of Science Communication [Topic]
III) Media Structures and Regulation: Take three J431 Media Structures and Regulation [Topic] courses or three courses from:
- JCOM 314 Understanding Disney
- JCOM 412 Internet Law and Regulation
- JCOM 413 Data/Media/Surveillance
- Also, choose one more course from J430 Culture and Power in the Media [Topic], J430 Culture and Power in the Media [Topic], or J477 Science of Science Communication [Topic]
IV) Documentary Studies
- J208 Introduction to Documentary Production or JCOM 220 Introduction to Documentary Production
- J416 Survey of the Documentary or J 422 Documentary Post-Production or JCOM 422 Documentary Post-Production *
- J331 Digital Video Production or J 420 Documentary Pre-Production or JCOM 420 Documentary Pre-Production *
- J421 Documentary Production or JCOM 421 Documentary Production *
- * J/JCOM 420, 421 and 422 should be taken in sequential order
Sequence Courses:
- J350 Principles of Public Relations or JCOM 370 PR Fundamentals
- J352 Strategic Writing & Media Relations or JCOM 371 Writing for Influence
- J452 Strategic Public Relations Communication or JCOM 372 Writing for Digital Audiences
- J453 Strategic Planning and Cases or JCOM 471 The PR Planning Process
- J454 Public Relations Campaigns or JCOM 472 PR Campaigns
- J480 Public Relations Topic [Topic]* or one from:
- JCOM 473 Topics in PR Strategies* (titles will vary)
- JCOM 474 Crisis Communication
- JCOM 475 New Technology and PR
- JCOM 476 Social Media Strategies
- JCOM 477 Sports Public Relations
- JCOM 478 Sustainability Public Relations
*[Topic] courses: Any course under that number will count. Course titles offered within each “topic” will vary. These courses are repeatable if the topics have different titles.
Core Context Courses:
In addition to the sequence courses listed above, all journalism students must complete five classes in media theory/analysis. They may be taken concurrently with the sequence courses. Students in the SOJC Honors Program will complete some of their core context courses with honors courses.
List A (Choose 4 courses. Prereq: J201 or JCOM 201):
- J320 Gender, Media and Diversity or JCOM 301 Gender, Media and Diversity
- J385 Communication Law or JCOM 302 Communication Law
- J387 Media History/JCOM 305 Media History or J396 International Communication/JCOM 306 Global Communication
- J397 Media Ethics or JCOM 303 Media Ethics
List B (Prereq: J201, J350 and JPR major status):
- J494 Strategic Communication Research Methods or JCOM 470 Strategic Communication Research Methods
At least four journalism credits are needed to reach the minimum 72 credits required. More may be needed if any exceptions were granted to Sections A, B or C.
Section D: General Studies (Non-Major) Requirements. All SOJC students must complete at least 104 non-journalism credits. The non-journalism credits must include one of the following:
- A non-SOJC minor. See the UO Catalog for a full list of UO minors. Most minors are 24-32 credits (6-8 courses).
- A non-major concentration. Take 24 credits (6 courses) from one non-SOJC subject. At least 12 of these credits must be 300- or higher. At least four of these credits must be 400-level. Technical, performance, physical education and Clark Honors College credits may not be used as a concentration.
- A double major with a subject outside of the SOJC. See the UO Catalog for a full list of UO majors.