Honors Program
The SOJC Honors Program is designed to give advanced students the opportunity to develop analytic, critical thinking and research skills in a small-group, discussion-oriented setting. The program contributes to pre-existing major requirements and encourages the development of a small, multidisciplinary community of budding scholars from within the SOJC. All students completing the program will receive both an SOJC diploma that reads “With Honors” and Honors regalia to wear at commencement ceremonies.
Come check out the program!
- SOJC Honors Program Information Session and Winter Gathering
- March 4, 2025
- 4:00-5:30 p.m.
- Allen Hall room 141 and Atrium
- Snacks/refreshments will be provided
- All current and prospective SOJC Honors students are welcome!
- Virtual Information Session
- April 7, 2025
- 4:00-5:00 p.m.
- Register to receive the zoom link!
Who is eligible for the Honors Program?
SOJC full majors considered for the program:
- Have at least a 3.50 UO GPA and/or are in good standing in the Clark Honors College.
- Are entering their junior year. Sophomores may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
How is the program structured?
The SOJC Honors Program has two primary components: a class component and a thesis component.
Class Component
Students take three Honors courses focusing on media theory, research, or issues, each of which is specially developed by a SOJC faculty member for this program. These classes are JCOM 329H (formerly J 315H) Media Theory and Research and two sections of JCOM 429H (formerly J 424H) Special Topics in Media Theory and Research. The 424H offerings will change for every cohort, but some past topics topics have included Journalism and Human Rights and Digital Curation. Most students in the Honors Program will take this series of classes with their cohort, one class each term of their junior year. However, taking classes during the senior year is also a possibility to address study abroad or internship plans.
The series of three honors classes fulfills three of the SOJC’s “core context” requirement. In addition to J 315H and the two J 424H courses listed above, SOJC honors students also take:
- For advertising and journalism majors: JCOM 302 Communication Law and JCOM 303 Media Ethics (formerly J 385 and J 397 respectively).
- For public relations majors: JCOM 302 Communication Law, JCOM 303 Media Ethics and JCOM 470 Strategic Communications Research Methods (formerly J 385, J 397 and J 494, respectively).
- For media studies majors (Fall 2021 curriculum): JCOM 302 Communication Law, JCOM 303 Media Ethics (formerly J 385 and J 397 respectively) and an area of specialization.
Thesis Component
Students will complete a one-credit thesis workshop during fall term of the senior year and then prepare and present an original piece of scholarship or creative work by the end of the senior year. The thesis must have a theoretical base (developed during the sequence of Honors courses) and will demonstrate the student’s advanced thinking and ability. A traditional thesis would consist of a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Depending on your academic concentration, you might also create a documentary, a prototype of a magazine, a public service campaign, or some other type of professional-level work that you can also present to prospective employers.
If you are a student in the Clark Honors College, your CHC thesis will be accepted as your Honors Program thesis as long as an SOJC faculty member is your primary adviser. The CHC one-credit prospectus class would also take the place of the SOJC-specific workshop.
What does the application process look like?
Call for applications for the Fall 2025 cohort is now open until 11:59 p.m. on April 15, 2025. Applicants will receive their admission decisions by mid-May.
The application materials are:
An online application form that includes the names of two potential faculty references (one must be affiliated with the SOJC) and a brief statement on what you will bring to the Honors Program. The brief statement (500 word max) should address three points:
- Why you want to be part of the program?
- What you can personally contribute to it?
- Why are the SOJC core context courses important for communicators in the 21st century?
A 2-8 page writing sample that reflects your writing, research and critical thinking skills. A research paper from a journalism course is preferred, but papers written for other subjects are acceptable. A “professional” sample such as a newspaper article would not be suitable. This writing sample should be uploaded as a .pdf through the online application. The online portal will only accept one .pdf. If you would like to submit a second writing sample, send it separately to sgarner@uoregon.edu with the words “Second Writing Sample for Honors Program” in the email subject line.
If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact Professor Bryce Newell or Senior Director for Student Success Sally Garner.